Lean Workflow For Accountant



Sector: Accountancy

Core Services: Business finance, auditing, financial outsourcing and tax strategies

Year end is always a busy time in an accountancy practice. The partners wanted to focus on the servicing year-end accounts to offer clients a market-leading lead-time when at their busiest.

To create a waste-free process for processing year-end accounts. To use teamworking and visual management to drive autonomous management.

Using lean principles;

Understand the “current state” using value stream mapping.

clip image006Identify waste and areas for improvement.

Definition of the “future state

Development of an implementation/action plan

Development of a training plan and standards development

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The results after the system has bedded-in for a few weeks.

25% reduction in lead-time

45% reduction in checking/rework

100% process visual management

Tracking process implemented

Standard work implemented

Visual  and Standard Management in place